Public Sector

Private Sector





Labor Scarcity

By 2050, industrialized nations will need over 400 million low-skill workers; the U.S. will significantly contribute to this. The U.S. is set to add 11.9 million jobs by 2030, but population growth won’t meet this demand (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics).


Education System Failure

From 2014 to 2019, healthcare jobs grew by 33%, and openings rose by 61%, outpacing the 7% increase in graduates in these fields (Harvard Project on Workforce). In 2021, 77% of college graduates worked outside their study area, and 40% took jobs not requiring a degree (Salhotra, 2022).


Government Failure

In 2022, the IRS reported that about 31 million U.S. workers and families got roughly $64 billion in EITC due to labor shortages and inadequate job access, raising questions about the government’s large financial support to avert poverty.

0 400


0 64

In Earned Income Tax Credit In 2023

0 61


0 40

graduates in not suitable jobs in 2021

Great Company

Mx3P accelerates a business environment to create values for individuals, businesses, and economies.

We are committed to creating a world in which all workers globally have the opportunities to live their life and advance economies.

Advisory Team

Mx3P’s Advisory members bring world-class experience on the labor market system and solutions to improve the system.

Our Mission

Providing good jobs for individuals in the economy and accelerating a business environment to create values for individuals, businesses, and economies.

Our Impact

At Mx3P, we are dedicated to creating a world where every worker has the opportunity to thrive and advance economic growth. We foster a symbiotic system that empowers individuals, revitalizes communities and businesses, and shapes a resilient future for global economies.


Revitalizing Market Economy

We harnesses the hidden low-skill labor market, particularly targeting low-skill immigrants to address inequality and the critical shortage of workers while providing meaningful employment opportunities and promoting economic prosperity.

Our unique approach involves offering comprehensive training programs that foster community and teamwork, helping participants obtain necessary certifications. This innovative approach provides a scalable solution to healthcare workforce shortages, benefiting both job seekers and clients while enhancing care quality and continuity for patients.


Moroccan Project

We designed Moroccan Entrepreneurship Encouragement Policy and Research Center (MEEPARC). The center is dedicated to encouraging entrepreneurship in various forms in Morocco, including solo entrepreneurs, small businesses, SMEs, family businesses, cooperatives, gig economy workers, the self-employed, artisans, craftsmen, agricultural workers, extra-territorial activities, tourism-based activities, students, researchers, as well as Moroccans Residing Abroad.

Voices of Success

Discover firsthand the profound impact of our unwavering dedication to excellence and the formidable partnerships we’ve forged. Delve into these testimonials showcasing how we’ve empowered success and nurtured growth through our unparalleled services.

Selected Partners

We have collaborated with partners spanning the public, private, and social sectors, collectively making a lasting impact on individuals and the economy in both the United States and around the world.

Interested in partnering with us / how can we help you?

Through strategic partnerships, we innovate to empower individuals, businesses, and governments and create a functional economy.